Wednesday, 23 February 2011

Bits and bobs around Canning circus

                                      A few pictures taken today in Canning Circus 

Can't bare these silly stickers the council put up :p

Friday, 18 February 2011

Under and around the Arches

Some pretty old pieces and some fairly new, under lady bay bridge. 

A few tags and throwies near entrance of the Arches , not alot there now sadly, much thanks to Jon Collins : / ..  

 Tags outside abandoned factory near out skirts of town. Should be taking more photos soon of pieces inside the factory. 

 Few pics taken walking back into the City centre. 

 Well it's not every one's cup of tea... 

More from around Lady Bay

Some Throw ups from YFCs, and WRU, behind the city ground. 

First post!

Okay, well this is the first post ever for Nottingham Graff :) 
Going to start off with some pics taken in West Bridgford, Nottingham. 
Here are a few taken at a skateboard park, by Lady Bay.